Planners generally hand-wave Houston without being curious about its success. WHY is it so affordable? HOW is it so diverse? Learn from principles and copy the good stuff.

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You should try to have this published maybe the atlantic?

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Given that Houston seems to be actually working in providing density and affordability, it's a start to answering my querulous comment on the robotaxi post. I'd like to see this augmented with information on the commuting patterns and how one might provide that through public transit, and how the demand for "good schools" is met. (I suppose it's conceivable that affordable housing may allow the "professional class" family to save $300,000 on a house, enough to pay for a private school for their kids.)

In any case, I agree with Jon, if you expanded this, it should be published somewhere, as it's the outline of a *solution* to some of these ugly problems.

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Interesting article.

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